Moves suggestion

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited March 2011 in Feature Requests
hi i have a suggestion, i again tied for 1st place, with amount of cards played and time, however i used less moves than my opponent,
i believe that there should be 3 catagories to winning,
cards played,
time used,
and then amount of moves,

i noticed a lot of games where my score is the same and i take a lower bracket, in the standings, but i used a lot less moves, i think that when it is a tie in cards played and time used, the tie breaker should be amount of moves it took to play the game,
does anyone else feel this way.



    twood wrote:
    hi i have a suggestion, i again tied for 1st place, with amount of cards played and time, however i used less moves than my opponent,
    i believe that there should be 3 catagories to winning,
    cards played,
    time used,
    and then amount of moves,

    That seems fairly reasonable, though most games are long enough that ties in time are pretty rare. Pyramid is generally our shortest game on average, time-wise, and I can see it happening more there.
    i noticed a lot of games where my score is the same and i take a lower bracket, in the standings, but i used a lot less moves, i think that when it is a tie in cards played and time used, the tie breaker should be amount of moves it took to play the game,
    does anyone else feel this way.

    What Jim and I have discussed is allowing a user to choose whether they'd like to value moves or speed and the high score table would sort the scores that way. That way if you just don't care about how much time you played you could sort by moves (score would always come first).

    The only thing really holding us back is stupid UI issues. Should it be a global preference for each user, or just a thing you click on each high score table? Or both? Or maybe it's a per game preference? Where would we put that preference? These kind of (little) things always seem to stymie us. :-)


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