
AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited March 2011 in Feature Requests
Game: golf
Game #: 194

lest play golf with allowing aces to go on top of a king :D :D :D :D


    tfh182 wrote:
    Game: golf
    Game #: 194

    lest play golf with allowing aces to go on top of a king :D :D :D :D

    Jim just recently posted about game variants here in the 40 thieves thread.

    The only thing I would add is that we also didn't want game variants up front because we think they shouldn't show up on the same scoreboard as the "normal" variants--aces on top of kings in golf makes the game easier and people playing that variant would have an unfair advantage over our normal rules if they were all on the same scoreboard.

    So the solution to that is to put each game variant in their own category. We were worried that if someone was playing an obscure variant that it would look like nobody used the site. We always wanted there to be high scores when you finished a game--that way you feel like you are in a active community and not wandering around a ghost town. Now that there are many more people playing, that may not be as much of a concern.

    Other random problems: Which variant do we put on the leader board pages? The variant you play, or the most popular one? Or both (as if the leader board wasn't cluttered enough already)?

    Those kinds of open questions are what keeps us from adding variants at this time. Only when we have satisfactory solutions for all our open issues will game variants be a possibility.


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