Between the Silly and the Sublime



  • The little yellow bus leaves at four twenty. All aboard. I'll be sitting with
    the Advanced Placement kids in the back along with the senior citizens

  • Last comment in this post -- I promise. Whoever posted "Lime In the Coconut" should be made to listen to that 24/7 till... It has become an earwig...

  • jezzbelle....did you forget to take your fiber this morning. Were you forced to listen to the song? No one needs to hear you bitching. Oh and by the way, it's spelled Patxaran NOT Paxtaran .

  • Who put the lime in the coconut....

  • Hello Gerald.Hope you feel better today.Left you a message.

  • Everybody take a deep breath and count to ten.
    By the way...lime mixed with coconut tastes terrible ...but I like the song.

  • Dr. Pepper straight up ,bartender, let's get the weekend started early, Hello everyone,

  • You're not driving...are you?
    jammin' on some Joe Bonamassa right now but getting sleepy

  • Hello everyone thought I would say hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and stay safe in all endeavors you or friend or loved one, those who party stay safe, party down , with the fire spirits, and what else is on hand, Take Care my friends,

  • ...and a sincere, heartfelt wish that the Moms out there in Green Felt land have a joyous and happy
    Mother's Day.

  • And you, as well, Gerald! I will be trying to stay warm, here in southern Canada, where warm spring weather is being elusive. Hot one day, cold the next..... :#

  • Having lunch with my mom tomorrow. Making her peanut butter cookies, her favorite.

  • warm here in Western Tennessee 75 for last week , guess will go out and eat Sunday with my mom , and wish all mom's out there a Happy Mother's day, and too all have fun stay safe. lasso my mom likes anything sweet so can't cook everything , :*

  • I have A gin and tonic every Friday afternoon, and that makes Friday nights pretty darn nice.

  • Hello Everyone,
    I am new at this site & I am confused ????? Does everyone lose the games when they begin playing SOLITAIRE ???? I cannot win a game at all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well have a good Sat.

  • hello swiffer, can't answer for everyone else here, as an avid tho fairly new myself since last November free cell fanatic, I only play for fun, for me it's easier that way, I have lost my share of games, tho in some ways get better by the day ,don't worry about getting low times or scores and never been a competitive person, only here to play games , it helps me at times to forget the outside world and all the problems,and helps with stress. and enjoy the great people here when posting and chatting with them, so hang in there, welcome to our happy little family, keep playing, Have fun, Take care ,and happy mother's day to you. all the way from West Tennessee,

  • Swiffer, when you get a new game, are you checking to see if anyone has been able to beat that particular game?

    Just above the playing field you will find a row of buttons:
    [New Game] [Replay] [Give Up] [High Scores] [Show Rules] [Pause] [Undo] [ Redo] [Auto-finish] Game #:XXXXXXX Deck option now at the top left

    When a new game is up, you can click on [High Scores] to find out if a game has been beaten. If you are worried about the time it takes to do that, then click on [Pause] before you click on [High Scores].

    That way you won't be playing games that have not been beaten and it should increase your wins. Nothing will let you win EVERY game. Some games just cannot be beaten.

    Enjoy the games

  • Beautiful song by the beautiful Lita Ford w/ Ozzy Osbourne, seen Lita in Memphis in late 80's after she left the Runaways years before. One of the classic duets of all time for me.

  • marymac8 don't know if your a rock fan have you ever listened to Cold Gin from Alive 2 from Kiss, Take Care,

  • Well...we still have BURGER King and DAIRY Queen

  • We still have a Burger King, our Dairy Queen went out of business because of owner. :'( Hope your dry I saw on radar about north kack a lacky weather. Wake up folks and jam out.

  • I know you were talking about a wedding across the pond. :*

  • Missed it.I had a nice morning in the garden.I wish the couple well.Being married 51 years I know they have a long road before them.

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