comparison scores

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited December 2007 in Bug Reports (Resolved)
I can get comparison times only for the game of the day. When i first started to play I could get the times for each game. What's up?


    snow wrote:
    I can get comparison times only for the game of the day. When i first started to play I could get the times for each game. What's up?
    There are only scores for games other people have played. So games of the day tend to have lots of people playing, hence the scores. When you just play games it currently chooses a random game and since there are millions of games the chances of hitting one that someone has already played is low (one in a million, you might say).

    One of the changes we'd like to make is to change it from choosing a random game to choosing previous games of the day (we've now been online for 2 or 3 years so there's over a 1000 games of the day that people have played). I got pretty close to implementing this at one point, but its harder than it sounds. It'll go in eventually.


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